Coffee with the Headmaster ☕️
Join Zoom Meeting https://conroeisd.zoom.us/j/87027941198?pwd=R3NpeEk0NVpJVzc3c1ZsL2RGQnZsZz09 Meeting ID: 870 2794 1198 Passcode: 503932
Join Zoom Meeting https://conroeisd.zoom.us/j/87027941198?pwd=R3NpeEk0NVpJVzc3c1ZsL2RGQnZsZz09 Meeting ID: 870 2794 1198 Passcode: 503932
Human Performance Speaker: Bridget Todd, Performance Excellence Leader, HSE, Baker Hughes ZOOM Info: TBA
Success on the Frontlines: A Team Approach Speaker: Anita Bangale, M.D. Emergency Medicine ZOOM Info: TBA