Tag Archives: awards

Underclassmen Award Ceremony 🏅 🏅

Greetings Academy Parents:

You are invited to the annual AST Underclassmen Award Ceremony on Friday, May 7, 2021 from 1pm – 2:30pm in the auditorium. We are excited about the opportunity to celebrate your successes in person this year.

All Academy students are expected to attend the event and will be excused from class.

Students will be recognized for the following. Some of the recognitions involve the receipt of an award patch which can be worn on the academic letter jacket.

  • Science Fair – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place at SEFH will receive a patch.
  • DI – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place at State will receive a patch.
  • Envirothon
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Science Bowl
  • Robotics
  • Exploration completions- students will receive a patch.
  • Junior Awards
  • ASU elections

We are looking forward to seeing you on Friday. Please come to the auditorium following fifth period. If you have a test in your 6th or 7th period class, please stay and take the test.

Come to the auditorium wearing your mask. Sit in areas for your class and socially distance.